I think I read somewhere that Costa Rica only sells Imperial beer.
This is news to me. I thought they sold Bavaria, too.
Oh, say. Isn’t Pilsen crafted in Costa Rica, too? Three beers is better than one.
I can see where this could be a problem.
Ticos must get really bored with only three brands of beer.
I mean look at these–no Belgian, no German. Okay…I’m being sarcastic.
Almost Any Beer You Could Want is Sold in Costa Rica
Yes, Imperial is the most popular beer in Costa Rica. I will always encourage you to eat and drink locally. What’s the point of going to Costa Rica and buying a Bud, seriously?
Pilsen is also insanely popular.
Costa Rican beers are available in light and even zero calorie versions if that’s your thing. Bavaria also offers a dark brew in its arsenal of flavors. But this is just the beginning.
Microbreweries are getting increasingly popular in Costa Rica. Craft beers can be found in many spots, especially in San Jose. Your choices in Costa Rican beer are better now than they ever have been.
The availability of beer brands in Costa Rica is staggering. That might be a poor choice of words, but you get the message.
If you’re staying in Costa Rica for the long haul, whatever you liked at home is most likely available in Costa Rica.
Buying Suds
Costa Rica has thousands of restaurants, bars, and even Irish pubs. What if you want to buy your own?
Any local supermarket will have what you need, as well as convenience stores (that have popped up all over Costa Rica), pulperias and roadside stores.
Costa Rica’s wine shelves have also expanded greatly in past years, but that’s a conversation for another time.
If you’re in a more urban area, Walmart also sells a huge selection of beer, handy for stocking the cooler before you head to the beach.
Needless to say, beer is pretty easy to purchase in Costa Rica.
With that said, stay safe and have a great time.