New York Destination Shopping—Food!

Bowls of spices at market

Here in Upstate New York, winter is tough. Our snow-weary hearts are hungry for warm weather, summertime cooking, gardening, fruits & vegetables. People are cabin crazy and you can only eat so many potatoes, winter vegetables and pink, tough tomatoes. After a quick jaunt to Manhattan, I can say with a smile that the shopping … Read more

Cilantro in Costa Rican Cooking

Fresh bunches of cilantro

I discovered cilantro back in 1984 during my first visit to Costa Rica. I had never heard of it and surely had never seen it back home. Strangely, there was an entire mystery surrounding cilantro before I eventually figured out what it was, months after landing. It started when I noticed there was a flavor … Read more

Costa Rican Snacks

There’s no doubt about it—Costa Rica’s snacks are the best! Read all about the goodies you can find in your local Costa Rican supermarket from cookies to chips to ice cream. Happy snacking!

Tamales in Costa Rica

Costa Rican tamale

So, a couple weeks ago I went shopping with my mom. Totally out of nowhere she asks, “When you eat a tamale, what’s the corn husk for?” “Well, Mom,” I explained, “Most Mexican tamales are made using a corn husk, but in Costa Rica they’re made with a banana or plantain leaf, not a corn … Read more

Why Does Costa Rican Fried Food Taste So Good?

Fried fish and french fries take-out

I’m a true believer that almost anything tastes better when you fry it. Notice I didn’t say it’s better for you. It’s just better. In Costa Rica, these fried goodies taste a hundred times better than at home. The fish, the French fries, battered chicken, empanadas–you get the idea. And the smell is unbelievable. I’m … Read more