Donate to the Sloth Sanctuary

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Like many people traveling to Costa Rica, you might be planning on a visit to the Sloth Sanctuary of Costa Rica in Cahuita.

Maybe you even hope to volunteer there, I know I do as soon as it’s possible.

The Sloth Sanctuary in Cahuita, Costa Rica has been rescuing and rehabilitating sloths since 1992. They’re dedicated to the research of sloths and educating the public. The work they do is beyond incredible.

Unfortunately, the coronavirus pandemic is taking its toll. The Sanctuary is really in need of donations to keep their operation going. Sloths still need medical care and food. They have no idea a pandemic is going on and are perfectly content just hanging out.

In all seriousness, the Sloth Sanctuary does remarkable work that needs to continue no matter what.

Please consider donating at their Go Fund Me page.  I know they’d appreciate whatever you can give, and the sloths thank you!



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