Here in upstate New York, winter is tough. Our snow-weary hearts are hungry for warm weather, summertime cooking, gardening, fruits & vegetables. People are cabin crazy and you can only eat so many potatoes, winter vegetables and tough tomatoes!
After a quick jaunt to Manhattan, I can say with a smile that the shopping has done my heart good. Oh–not shopping for clothes, bags and shoes. No, no…we’re talking about destination shopping for FOOD!
Window Shopping for Food
Used to be when you needed food, you went to the supermarket and bought it. Nothing special. When did grocery shopping become the “in” thing to do?
It’s no secret the amount of “foodie” destinations that have popped up over the years. Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, Fresh Market and all the “emporiums” are dedicated to fresh and gorgeous-looking food. Regular supermarkets have spent big bucks remodeling to follow the trend. Fashion shopping has been replaced by food, and it looks like it’s going to stay that way.
Food “window shopping” is great fun. It tantalizes the senses. It’s an explosion of colors. A fiesta to the palate. Never has so much international cuisine and gourmet goodies been within [such affordable] reach.
It’s a little tougher here in parts of upstate New York. We pretty much hold our breath until the farmers’ markets once again pop up and the vegetable stands appear. In the autumn of course, we have the market cornered with all the apple farms, the pumpkins, and our delicious cheese and dairy. New York certainly rocks in that department.
Until then, we eat our Florida oranges and if we’re lucky, we travel to specialty markets to get our kicks–for me, that means at least a 45-minute drive to Albany, or traveling to NYC.
My Favorite Market in Manhattan
I get it–Manhattan crowds aren’t for everybody. But coming from a small sleepy town, I find the overabundance of life to be just what I need.
Most recently, I’ve fallen in love with the Grand Central Market located inside (the gloriously mobbed) Grand Central Terminal. This was a complete surprise to me the first time I found it, and now I make sure I go there whenever I’m in the city. It’s a destination store for me. It may not be the biggest market in the city, but it struck a chord with me.

Passing by the unbelievable cheese selection at Murray’s, you arrive to the meats, seafood, spices, olives, and baguettes. It’s fun to wander through the store fantasizing about living in New York, and the fabulous meals I’d be able to cook every week. Ahh…my only regret now is that I can’t take as much home as I’d like to.
As a side note, if you’re in Grand Central Terminal, be sure to check out the Great Northern Food Hall in Vanderbilt Hall on the 42nd Street side. They feature Nordic food and drink, something truly different, beautiful, and interesting.
Is It All About the Food?
If I lived in Manhattan, I think all my spare money would go to food. Forget about the designer clothes. I’d be eating designer bread. The food choices are simply staggering.
It’s also just plain fun. And shopping for food should be fun. There will never be a time when we don’t have to shop for food. We buy it, we take it home, and we serve it to our loved ones. Food brings us together. Just think of all the things you’ve discussed over a meal. Most of the best conversations are held over food.
So, next time you find yourself meandering through your favorite marketplace or supermarket (and thoroughly enjoying yourself) remember that the food not only nourishes your body, but your soul as well. And I hope you can share that meal with someone special.