Ode to Axion Dish Paste

Display of Axion Dish Paste in Costa Rica

  This post contains an affiliate link that I may earn a small commission on at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products I have used myself and enjoy.   I’ve caught more flak for my love of Axion dish paste than any other Costa Rican product. So, I’m going to put it … Read more

Under the Weather in Costa Rica

Tissues and tea on nightstand

Getting sick anywhere is awful but when you’re on vacation, it’s the worst! If you’re feeling under the weather, here are a few of my favorite Costa Rican remedies available in almost every supermarket, pulperia and even Walmart.

My Best Summer Memories

author on Cadillac Mountain, Bar Harbor

If there’s any time that can make you feel nostalgic, it’s long, hot summer days. I fondly remember so many good times growing up and visiting coastal Maine. Here are a few more of my summer memories from the 70s and 80s.