La Basilica de Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles

La Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles is easily the most recognizable building in Cartago, Costa Rica. Just do an internet search on Cartago, Costa Rica, and images of the Basilica are the first to appear. The Basilica draws hundreds of tourists every year, each impressed with the magnitude and architecture at this stunning … Read more

Why Does Costa Rican Fried Food Taste So Good?

Fried fish and french fries take-out

I’m a true believer that almost anything tastes better when you fry it. Notice I didn’t say it’s better for you. It’s just better. In Costa Rica, these fried goodies taste a hundred times better than at home. The fish, the French fries, battered chicken, empanadas–you get the idea. And the smell is unbelievable. I’m … Read more

New York Destination Shopping—Food!

Bowls of spices at market

Here in upstate New York, winter is tough. Our snow-weary hearts are hungry for warm weather, summertime cooking, gardening, fruits & vegetables. People are cabin crazy and you can only eat so many potatoes, winter vegetables and tough tomatoes! After a quick jaunt to Manhattan, I can say with a smile that the shopping has … Read more

Culture Shock

Girl sitting on beach thinking

Culture shock—that harsh slap in the face where you realize that you’re no longer in Kansas, my friend, and you’re going to accept some new stuff whether you like it or not. Because for right now, you don’t have a choice. You’re in it knee-deep, my friend. I have to admit it tickles my fancy … Read more

Las Ruinas de La Parroquia/ Cartago Ruins

Cartago Ruins After Dark Lit Up

Situated in the center of Cartago’s bustling downtown, are the Cartago Ruins, or Las Ruinas de la Parroquia de Cartago (the Santiago Apostol Parish Ruins). Better known simply as “The Ruins”. People pass them every day during their commute without a second thought. But if you stop and look, you’ll see they’re quite beautiful. How … Read more

What Happens When You Land in Costa Rica?

If you’re a first-time traveler to Costa Rica, you might be wondering “what’s going to happen when I land?” International travelers know the basic routine regarding immigration and customs. However, if this is your first Costa Rican trip and you’re getting traveler’s anxiety–I still do–here’s the rundown. During Your Flight to Costa Rica First of … Read more

Colones or Dollars?

Colones and Dollars

One question I hear over and over is “Should I use colones or U.S. dollars when I travel to Costa Rica?” Or, more often, “Can I use U.S. dollars in Costa Rica?” I have mixed feelings. Growing up within driving distance from Canada, it wasn’t unusual for us to interchange our money with Canadian. We’re … Read more

Chillin’ in Cartago…Literally

Basilica lit up after dark

When I was chosen to be an exchange student back in 1984–you know, what seems like the freaking “olden days” now, I was elated. Shortly after the adventure started, I found myself wondering if I had been given the short end of the stick when I found out that others in the group were headed … Read more

Packing for Costa Rica

With a trip to Costa Rica always in the future, I thought I’d compile a list of things girls might consider when packing for Costa Rica. Packing for any destination is less stressful if you keep things simple. You’ll be much happier and you’ll have more room in your suitcase for souvenirs! First, it’s always … Read more

Getting a Costa Rican SIM card

Kolbi cell phone service sign

If you’re coming to Costa Rica and don’t know what to do about phone service, here are instructions on how to get a Kolbi SIM card (or chip) and how to use it. Remember, you must have an unlocked phone and here’s what to do from start to finish.