Hey There, I'm Sue!
Thanks for visiting NY to Costa Rica! I hope you enjoy it here. If you’ve made it this far, you’re probably interested in Costa Rica. Whether you’ve been there or not, you’ll find some fun things to talk about here.
Why Did I Decide to Blog About Costa Rica?
I’ve been traveling to Costa Rica for over 40 years. I was an exchange student in 1984. That was probably the year I did the most growing up. And, if I may say, one of the best years of my life.
After returning, I visited a few more times, then returned to the U.S. I went on with my life while Costa Rica was always in my mind.
I was living the same life as pretty much everyone else here in New York. Working, coming home, and trying to buy new stuff that would make me happy. But, without realizing it, “stuff” wasn’t making me happy.
Thoughts of Costa Rica would seep back into my daily life, when I would remember the pura vida life that I lived when I was in Costa Rica. The simpler time when I was less worried about material things or how I was matching up to everybody else, and more preoccupied with doing the things I really wanted to do.
It would come to surface when somebody would say, “wow, you were so lucky to live in Costa Rica!” Yeah, you know…I was lucky!
So, I started to travel to Costa Rica again and I haven’t looked back. I talk mostly about Cartago, Costa Rica. It’s where I lived as an exchange student, and my “home base” in Costa Rica.
It’s important to note that the beginning of my travels weren’t always easy. There were a lot of difficult moments when I didn’t understand things or there was a cultural clash, which is common for anyone traveling. It took many mistakes and a lot of growing up for me to understand the things that I now love so much about Costa Rica.
At times, I have read inaccurate information online about Costa Rica. To me, that’s just not cool. I will make it my mission to dispel any incorrect information I come across online. For now, I’m anxious to share the many wonderful things about Costa Rica.
Affiliate Disclosure
This blog will sometimes contain affiliate links which means I receive a small commission on a qualifying purchase with no additional cost to you.
In talking about Costa Rica, I will occasionally recommend something that I personally enjoy using. I will never include a link to any product I’ve never tried myself.